Types of cable available in an electric screwdriver
Types of cable available in an
electric screwdriver
Kilews is a Taiwan based company, He
has introduced an electric screwdriver based on a clutch mechanism which is used
to fasten the application in assembly industries, kilews is now famous
throughout the world in terms of repeatability. Kilews electric screwdriver is
very accurate and has a repeatability of ±1% and ±3% for power torque series tool. Recently
kilews has introduced a new DC transducerized tool.
The whole setup of the electric screwdriver
consists of three parts. i.e. tool, cable and controller. Cable is use to connect
tool and controllers. Torque ring is used to adjust the torque of the tool.
Kilews has designed to work the tool in both trigger and push type. In the
picture, between tool and controller there is a black cable is connecting to
both of them.
Kilews has designed many
types of cable: -
1. Black Cable
This type of cable is designed and recommended
by kilews to use for a small torque tool controller. It is available in a length
of 2m and 3m. This cable is having a lock at the end which is used to lock the end
of the tool and controller. This type of cable is used with a tool like SKD-BN200
series, SKD BN 500 series …etc. and with controller SKP-32BC, SKP-BE32 HL …etc.
2. White cable
This type of cable is designed and recommended
by kilews to use for power torque series tools and controllers. It is available
in a length of 2m and 3m. This cable is having a lock at the end which is used to
lock the end of the tool and controller. This type of cable is used with a tool like
SKD-BN800 series, SKD-RBK series …etc. and with controller SKP-BC32-HL,
SKP-BC40-HL …etc.
This cable is very strong and has high
durability. The wire behind this cable is protected by a thin layer of metallic
wire cover which is used to resist from damaging.
3. Built-in cable
This type of cable is designed in a way that
it cannot be detached from the tool. It is fixed with the tool from inside.
Basically this type of cable is used in AC type of tools which is directly
connected to the main power supply without a controller.
4. Pigtail cable

It reduces the maintenance cost of the tool.
This cable can be used in any type of model.
Microntech is a channel partner for KILEWS products in
India, having local sales and service support all over India. Microntech has a
team of experts that can help you understand the torque process. It is a
premier assembly solution provider in India with global experience. To know
more about assembly solutions provided by Microntech please visit our website www.microntechgroup.com or you can contact your nearest Microntech
branch to schedule a demo or a visit for any issues you are facing on your
assembly line
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