Microntech Kilews Electric Screwdriver Error codes and Troubleshooting

Microntech Kilews Electric Screwdriver Error codes and Troubleshooting 

The main use of an electric screwdriver is the tightening of the application. In the assembly industry, the electric screwdriver is performing well by its improved motor and clutch thanks to new advancements in its technologies. Kilews electric screwdriver is very popular in terms of accuracy and durability. Kilews screwdriver is not different from a conventional manual screwdriver, both serve the same purpose of tightening of application. 

But instead of manual operation, the electric screwdriver is having an electric motor to tighten the application very easily. These electric screwdriver work on the principle of the clutch mechanism, in which the clutch is used to adjust the torque of the tool. An electric screwdriver is two types based on the source of power supply i.e. Brush type electric screwdriver and Brushless type electric screwdriver.

Kilews Electric Screwdriver works with an advanced Kilews controller, which is having various types of features which gives the error-proofing of tightening and also we can set various function according to the requirements. Kilews controller is also having various protection features that indicate the errors on display. The various error code is E3, E4, E5, E7, E8, E9, and PC. 


E3 - As the controller requires AC 100 – 240V 50/60HZ to operate the screwdriver, if the supply is not sufficient then the controller cannot work and displays error E3
E4 – Kilews controller is having a self-protection feature from high temperate. If it gets heated then it will automatically stop operating and shows error E4.
E8 – This error code appears when the tool becomes shut off while starting, In this case first we need to check the shutoff switch and then the pilot rod.

Microntech is a channel partner for Kilews in India, having local sales and service support all over India. Microntech has a team of experts that can help you understand the torque process. It is a premier assembly solution provider in India with global experience. To know more about assembly solutions provided by Microntech please visit our website www.microntechgroup.com or you can contact your nearest Microntech branch to schedule a demo or a visit for any issues you are facing on your assembly line by emailing at sales@microntechgroup.com


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