HOW TO USE ELECTRIC SCREWDRIVERS? Kilews Industrial Co. Ltd., is a leading manufacturer of adjustable clutch electric screwdrivers for fastening applications. It is regarded as best quality electric screwdrivers in India and has very high reputation in market. It is not much different from the conventional manual screwdrivers. They both serve the same purpose of tightening or loosening screws, with the main difference being the power source driving that force. Instead of manual operation, by using an electric motor a user is able to accomplish their tightening more efficiently, more accurately and at a lower risk of injury. Where conventional methods of screw tightening are way more time consuming and slows down the production rate & quality. Basically, there are two type of electric screwdriver i.e. brush and brushless, with shutoff and non-shutoff mechanism. Both electric screwdrivers are not difficult to operate. Still, it’s important to review how to correctly use the...
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